Compost bins on sale at a 'Down to Earth' price

Released: May 9, 2012 at 1:47 p.m.
The City of Winnipeg is sponsoring a one-day compost bin sale on Saturday, May 12, 2012.

WINNIPEG - May 9, 2012 - The City of Winnipeg is sponsoring a one-day compost bin sale on Saturday, May 12, 2012.

The sale is scheduled to run from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (while quantities last), rain or shine, at the following locations:

Garden City Shopping Centre2305 McPhillips Street along Kingsbury Avenue behind Canadian Tire
Polo Park Shopping Centre1485 Portage Avenue along St. James Street across from The Bay
Toys R Us1560 Regent Avenue West, in the parking lot next to Regent Avenue
St. Vital Centennial Arena580 St. Anne's Road at Meadowood Drive

The Earth Machine compost bin, valued at $100 each, will be sold at a reduced price of $30 each. Rain barrels (208 litres), valued at $120 each, will also be available at a reduced price of $50 each. Payment methods include major credit cards, debit cards and cheques (payable to Norseman Plastics). All sales are final - no refunds.

Composting experts will be at each of the sale locations to answer questions. For information on composting, call the Green Action Centre Composting Infoline at 204-925-3777, or visit

More than 43,000 compost bins have been sold since the annual one day sale began in 2002. Each compost bin can prevent 100 kilograms of organics from going to the landfill per year. Organic materials produce methane gas in landfills, which contributes to climate change.

For more information on The Earth Machine compost bin, visit

For more information on the one-day compost bin sale, please call 311.

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