Mayor Thanks Emergency Services and Partners

Released: October 2, 2012 at 11:48 a.m.

WINNIPEG, MB - October 2, 2012 - Mayor Sam Katz expressed gratitude today for the hard work of the Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service, the Winnipeg Police Service, City of Winnipeg employees and other partner agencies who did their utmost to ensure the safety of citizens during yesterday’s major fire at Speedway International.

“Our emergency services crews became very concerned about public safety when they realized rail cars containing various highly flammable fuels were located in close proximity to the fire,” said Mayor Katz. “Our fire paramedic and police officers did an excellent job establishing a safety perimeter and alerting area residents to evacuate and I commend them for their work.”

Air1, the Winnipeg Police Service helicopter, projected images from the fire into a nearby command centre to assist with fire operations. Many other city employees responded quickly to assist Winnipeggers.

“This was truly a team effort,” said Mayor Katz. “I want to thank our emergency social services and transit employees, who provided two city buses as temporary shelter and established Fort Garry Curling Club as an evacuation centre, our emergency measures and communications staff, who assisted in quickly relaying information to the media and via social media, and our 311 contact centre employees, who ensured Winnipeggers received accurate information on the fire.”

In addition to commending all city staff involved in ensuring the safety of citizens, Mayor Katz expressed his thanks to other responding agencies, including CN and CP Rail, Manitoba Conservation and 17 Wing Winnipeg.

According to Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service Deputy Chief Bill Clark, last night’s fire ranks among the largest fires his crews have ever faced. There was no loss of life or injuries, although damages to the property owner are estimated at $15 million.

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