Mayor Announces Dr. Joseph Du Way

Released: October 1, 2013 at 12:51 p.m.

Winnipeg, MB - Today, Mayor Sam Katz, Councillor Brian Mayes (St. Vital), and Councillor Mike Pagtakhan (Point Douglas) announced that James Avenue between King St. and Princess St. will also be known as Dr. Joseph Du Way.

"Dr. Du has championed worthwhile causes since he arrived in Canada in 1962," said Mayor Katz. "He has served on boards of numerous community organizations and has made an outstanding contribution to our City and to Winnipeg's Chinese community."

"Dr. Du has worked tirelessly as a volunteer in the Chinese community to make Winnipeg a truly multicultural and great place to live and raise a family," said Ben Lee, Volunteer Vice President of the Winnipeg Chinese Cultural and Community Centre, the organization that recommended an honourary street designation for Dr. Du in Winnipeg's Chinatown.

"I am fortunate to know Dr. Du well, through my wife's work focusing on Chinese practice, culture and customs," said Councillor Mayes. "Dr. Du is a fantastic resource and is generous in sharing his historical and cultural knowledge with the entire community. Through his tireless efforts, intelligence, compassion and way with people, he has built intercultural bridges and helped newcomers and refugees, far beyond Winnipeg's Chinatown."

"So much of Chinatown's revitalization since the early 1980s can be credited to Dr. Du," said Mike Pagtakhan. "Most recently, the opening of the Peace Tower Housing Complex, a project Dr. Du spearheaded, has brought much-needed, affordable housing to the downtown area."â�

Dr. Du, 80, is President of the Winnipeg Chinese Cultural and Community Centre. In 1985, he received the Order of Canada. Among his many achievements is seeing a sculpture commissioned to commemorate the many people of Chinese heritage who helped to build Canada's railway. This sculpture is located in Assiniboine Park. For many years, Dr. Du was a pediatrician in Winnipeg, travelling regularly to Manitoba's northern communities of Cross Lake and Norway House to help people there.

Signs for Dr. Joseph Du Way will appear as blue "sign-toppers" above signs for James Avenue. As the re-naming is honourary, and exists in addition to James Avenue, mailing addresses will not change.

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