New telephone services contracts proposed

Released: November 8, 2013 at 4:07 p.m.
Change to more cost-effective technology would save taxpayers $1.5 million

Winnipeg, MB - A new proposal for landline telephone, wireless voice and data services for all City of Winnipeg operations is anticipated to save taxpayers $1.5 million over a five-year period.

In a report published today by the Winnipeg Public Service, the proposal recommends award of contracts for cellular voice, voice and data, cellular data, and landline Centrex to MTS, Inc. The report recommends award of a contract for landline Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology to FlexITy Solutions Inc.

The savings in the overall proposal are due to the recommended transition of approximately 4,000 landline telephones to VoIP. This is a technology that allows voice and data to be transmitted over computer networks instead of traditional telephone wires. VoIP is used in Winnipeg and around the world in residential and business applications, and has been in use in the City’s 311 Contact Centre since the 24/7 service launched in 2009.

A note to the report indicates that the transition to VoIP would be staged over the period of a year, beginning December 1, 2013, when the current telephone services contract ends. As VoIP implementation is gradually implemented in locations across the public service, Centrex services costs would in turn be eliminated. Therefore, the total amounts proposed would not be spent in either the case of VoIP or Centrex components of the proposal.

Approximately 500 devices requiring analogue service, such as fax machines and alarm systems, and phone locations without sufficient computer network access to accommodate VoIP, would remain on Centrex technology.

The report, which will be considered by Executive Policy Committee on Wednesday, November 13, 2013 is available at EPC - Agendas.

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