Winnipeggers reminded to “Park Smart!”

Released: May 8, 2015 at 12:33 p.m.

Winnipeg, MB - To help keep our community safe and enable emergency responders to do their jobs more effectively, the Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service and the Winnipeg Parking Authority remind citizens not to park illegally when attending large events like neighbourhood garage sales.

Vehicles parked illegally at bus stops, near fire hydrants, double-parked or in other illegal situations can cause obstructions that delay fire engines, rescue, ambulance, police and other emergency responder units on their way to emergencies. Illegal parking can also impact Transit service to citizens.

Events such as neighbourhood garage sales can increase the number of vehicles in an area, and if parked improperly, can cause traffic jams.

Vehicles parked illegally may be subject to ticketing and towing under the provisions of the Fire Prevention By-law and the Traffic By-law.

Remember to “Park Smart!” and help keep your community safe. For more information visit Park Smart Program - Winnipeg Parking Authority.

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