Amalgamated Transit Union members vote to ratify contract

Released: June 26, 2015 at 5:20 p.m.

Winnipeg, MB - Today, members of the Amalgamated Transit Union, (ATU) Local 1505, representing approximately 1,350 Winnipeg Transit drivers and maintenance workers voted to ratify the most recent Offer of Settlement between the City of Winnipeg and the ATU's negotiating committee.

ATU members voted 59.8 per cent to accept the contract offer.

The Offer of Settlement must still be ratified by City Council.

Earlier this week, Winnipeg Transit successfully restored full regular service following delays caused by a bus maintenance backlog that had resulted from a voluntary overtime ban.

Winnipeg Transit carries over 130,000 riders each weekday and employs approximately 1,100 bus operators and about 250 maintenance staff.

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