Twinning of Keewatin Street/Dr. Jose Rizal Way now fully open

Released: October 31, 2016 at 10:30 a.m.

Winnipeg, MB - Today, at the intersection of Keewatin Street/Dr. Jose Rizal Way, City Councillor for the Point Douglas Ward, Mike Pagtakhan, together with Old Kildonan Ward City Councillor, Devi Sharma, and other community leaders, officially cut the ribbon and opened the newly twinned Keewatin Street/Dr. Jose Rizal Way from Inkster Boulevard to Water Ridge Path.

This upgrade consisted of widening Keewatin Street from north of Inkster Boulevard to Sante Fe Drive, and Dr. Jose Rizal Way from Sante Fe Drive to Water Ridge Path to two lanes in each direction, a full set of new traffic lights at Dr. Jose Rizal Way and Adsum Drive/Old Commonwealth Path, new sidewalks, and a new bicycle facility.

“Adding extra lanes north and south, as well as the commissioning of the new traffic lights will improve traffic flow to and from Inkster Garden Drive and Keewatin Street,” said City Councillor Mike Pagtakhan. “I’m very excited to have seen these enhancements facilitate continued growth, and promote active lifestyle choices in the community with the new pathway and sidewalks.”

“I’m pleased to celebrate the completion of this important infrastructure project for our community,” added Old Kildonan City Councillor Devi Sharma. “These roadway improvements and active transportation upgrades will make driving, cycling and walking this route safer and more pleasant for all.”

City Councillors Mike Pagtakhan and Devi Sharma wish to thank the Meadows West residents, as well as the cooperation from the local developers, for their advocacy and collaboration in order for this project to come together. This twinning represents a significant investment in our infrastructure and will improve traffic flow, create safety at intersections, and accommodate residential growth in the area.

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