City awards community safety and crime prevention funding to 20 community groups

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Winnipeg, MB – Today, the City of Winnipeg announced that 20 community groups will receive funding for community safety and crime prevention activities through the fourth and final annual intake of the City of Winnipeg’s Community Safety and Crime Prevention (CSCP) program.

“During the last election campaign, I committed to creating the Community Safety and Crime Prevention program as a way to increase safety and crime prevention efforts in our community,” said Mayor Brian Bowman. “The targeted approach used by this program has enabled community groups to address the unique crime and safety issues they experience. These groups form an important part of our community and the improvements they’re making are helping to create safer neighbourhoods.”

The CSCP program was established to support community-level activities that strengthen local crime prevention and community safety efforts, promote the exchange of information between community residents, and help build closer relationships between communities and the Winnipeg Police Service. A total of $100,000 was made available through the program, with projects approved to a maximum of $5,000 per application.

The community groups receiving funding include:

Community Group


Immigrant and Refugee Community Organization of Manitoba Inc. (IRCOM)Neighbourhood watch
Wolseley Family Place Inc.De-escalation, harm-reduction and overdose prevention training
Bear Clan Patrol Inc. - Northwest ChapterNeighbourhood watch
Mount Carmel ClinicSharing circles / safety training
Siloam MissionExterior / interior sharps containers
Boys and Girls Clubs of Winnipeg Inc.Afterschool program
William Whyte Neighbourhood AssociationResidential solar security lighting program
204 Volunteers Inc.Neighbourhood watch
Knox United ChurchSecurity surveillance upgrade
Main Street ProjectCommunity clean-up
South Sudanese Community CentreSecurity surveillance and lighting
Newcomers Employment and Education Development Services (NEEDS)Support for Introduction to Canadian Society (INTRO) program for children and youth
Spence Neighbourhood AssociationCommunity Connecting Nights
Downtown Community Safety PartnershipProject Clean Slate
Point PowerlineCommunity awareness and crime prevention
Elmwood Community Resource Center and Area Association Inc.Community safety training
Winnipeg Central MosqueSecurity upgrades
Graffiti Art Programming Inc.Community mural and feast
Bright Mamas Welfare Inc.Community gatherings
The Welcome Home - A Mission of St. Alphonsus Inc.Security surveillance

This year’s program applications were evaluated by a Program Award Selection Committee comprised of representatives from Community Services, the Winnipeg Committee for Safety, and the Winnipeg Police Service. For more information on the CSCP program, see:

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