Faites passer le mot : Un nouveau réseau de transport en commun sera bientôt lancé à Winnipeg

We created shareable resources for groups to help the communities they serve get ready for the change.

bus stop sign at a bus stop
Part of the project involves putting new signs up at every stop that will be in service when the new network launches.

More frequent bus routes, straighter paths on major routes, and bus stops designed to make connections easier. These are some of the benefits Winnipeggers can look forward to when a new bus network launches on June 29.  

It’s called the Primary Transit Network and its feeder routes. The simplified transit system is the first major change being made under the Winnipeg Transit Master Plan. And the project team behind the new network is hoping Winnipeggers help spread the word. 

They’ve created a community toolkit with resources like posters, a fact sheet, social media posts, and information that can be shared in newsletters. Organizations are invited to use the resources in the toolkit to help the communities they serve get ready for the change. 

“We’ve heard from many people and groups who said they were willing to help, and we are so grateful for the offers,” said Kevin Sturgeon, Senior Transit Planner with Winnipeg Transit. “We want to do everything we can to make sure this network change doesn’t take any of our passengers by surprise.”    

New signs coming to a bus stop near you  

Transit sign at a bus stop
An example of the new bus stop sign.

Part of the project involves putting new signs up at every stop that will be in service when the new network launches. 

“It’s a big task, and it’s already underway,” said Sturgeon, noting that the new signs are going up at 4,000 stops across the city over the next few months. Temporary signage will also be posted to let passengers know what to expect at each stop come June 29.  

Major milestones in the leadup to launch  

The project team is working hard to get Winnipeg ready for the network launch. People may soon notice changes to bus stops to make transfers easier and improve accessibility. Some bus stops will move closer to controlled crosswalks and will be spaced more consistently. Other bus stops will get infrastructure upgrades.  

But the next major milestone will be the release of schedules, in late April. 

“Once schedules are online, people will be able to plan trips on the new network,” said Sturgeon, adding you can use Navigo for this, or the Transit app.  "We’ve partnered with the Transit app for one year because it has some great features to help passengers adjust."

A marketing campaign will also get underway at that time.  

Until then, passengers can visit the project web page to learn more about the new network.   

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