Canada's Great Neighbourhood for 2012 award plaque now in place on Osborne Street

Released: October 16, 2012 at 2:03 p.m.

WINNIPEG, MB - October 16, 2012 - Osborne Village now has a permanent reminder of being Canada's Great Neighbourhood for 2012. A commemorative plaque was placed this week on the north side of The Courtyard Building at 100 Osborne Street.

"I'm pleased we now have permanent recognition for what Osborne Village has achieved," said Mayor Sam Katz. "The plaque will showcase the area for visitors and remind Winnipeggers that Canada's greatest neighbourhood is found within our city."

The silver-toned award plaque was presented by Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP) Manitoba representative, Donovan Toews, and accepted by Jenny Gerbasi, City of Winnipeg Councillor for Fort Rouge - East Fort Garry during an award presentation held on Canada Day, July 1, 2012.

"The Great Neighbourhood 2012 award plaque will be a great reminder to everyone lives, works or visits Osborne Village, that the area is truly a Canadian treasure," said Gerbasi. "I encourage all Winnipeggers to find the plaque the next time they visit the Village and to enjoy all the neighbourhood has to offer."

The Canada's Great Neighbourhood title is awarded each year as part of the Canadian Institute of Planners' Great Places Canada contest and the winning neighbourhood is selected by a CIP panel.

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