City of Winnipeg Awaits Infrastructure Pledge

Released: March 20, 2013 at 9:16 a.m.
Federal budget expected to deliver long-term infrastructure plan

Winnipeg, MB - The City of Winnipeg will be looking for a new, long-term commitment to municipal infrastructure in tomorrow’s federal budget.

“I’m hoping the federal government recognizes that municipalities across the country are in a crucial battle to maintain public infrastructure,” said Mayor Sam Katz. “We are looking for reliable, long-term infrastructure funding that would allow us to identify priorities and plan ahead, knowing that the funding is going to be in place.”

The federal government has done extensive consultations in advance of developing a new infrastructure plan to replace the Building Canada Fund, which expires next year. Lengthy consultations have made clear that municipal infrastructure across Canada is at risk, with municipal roads, bridges, water systems, and community facilities all requiring upgrades and repairs.

“The City of Winnipeg’s budget set out a long-term plan to improve our local streets, back lanes and sidewalks, but property taxes alone cannot erase our infrastructure deficit,” said Mayor Katz. “Municipal infrastructure is the foundation of our economy - all levels of government must make a contribution to its renewal.”

Mayor Katz has previously proposed that the Canadian government create a dedicated revenue source to allow municipalities to take a comprehensive, long-term approach to infrastructure. He has also proposed increasing the city’s share of the federal-provincial-municipal tax pie, which would allow the City of Winnipeg to plan, build and maintain its public infrastructure stock. Currently, only eight cents of every tax dollar collected in Winnipeg flows to the municipality.

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