City crews working to open frozen curb inlets and culverts, address overland flooding from snowmelt, repair potholes, and sand streets

Released: March 27, 2013 at 2:35 p.m.

Winnipeg, MB - Crews are working on a variety of activities this spring, including opening of frozen curb inlets and culverts, addressing overland flooding from snowmelt, repairing potholes, and sanding streets.

Activities to improve snow-melt run-off
Crews are working 24-hours a day to open curb inlets and culverts, and requests are prioritized based on risk to property. Activities include clearing of snow and ice, and thawing of curb inlets and culverts. Property owners can contact 311 for assistance if ponding water caused by frozen catch basins and culverts is a threat to their property.

Sandbags available for protection against overland flooding due to snowmelt
The City of Winnipeg reminds property owners to be vigilant to protect their property against overland flooding during the spring melt. Winnipeg residents can pick up sandbags at the following three locations between 10:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. daily:

  • 1220 Pacific Avenue (West End)
  • 849 Ravelston Avenue West (Transcona)
  • 1539 Waverley Street (Fort Garry)

For emergencies, sandbags to protect against overland flooding are available outside the hours of 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. by contacting 311. Identification showing Winnipeg residency is required in order to pick up sandbags.

At this time, sandbags are only available for pick-up by Winnipeg residents who need to protect their properties against overland flooding. This does not apply to property owners who may require sandbagging to protect against potential high river levels; further information for those property owners will be provided as soon as the City has completed its analysis of the revised Provincial forecast.

Pothole patching
Patching of potholes will occur daily during daylight hours and will be prioritized based on road safety.

Sanding of streets
Crews are continuing to monitor and sand city streets as required to improve traction on the roadway.

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