Community paramedics to treat patients in non-emergency cases

Released: April 2, 2013 at 11:06 a.m.
New program aims to relieve pressure on ambulances and emergency departments

Winnipeg, MB - Today, the City of Winnipeg announced plans for the creation of a program which will soon have community paramedics treating patients in non-emergency cases.

A collaboration between the City of Winnipeg and the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, the Community Paramedic Program is designed to relieve some of the pressure on the City’s busy ambulances and Emergency Departments, reducing the number of less urgent cases presenting to hospital emergency rooms.

“Over half of all Emergency Department visits are for non-urgent issues and could be better dealt with in a primary care setting,” said Scott Fielding, Chair of the Standing Policy Committee on Protection and Community Services. “Community paramedicine is an innovative approach that will meet the needs of individuals seeking health care, while leaving emergency ambulances available to respond to critically ill patients in the community.”

“This is another important initiative we’re undertaking in collaboration with Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Services to help us achieve our patient flow targets by working to ensure patients get the right care in the right place at the right time,” Arlene Wilgosh, President & CEO of the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA) said.

“The WFPS continues to work in collaboration with the WRHA in exploring and developing new and efficient patient care initiatives in an effort to further improve the unique paramedic service delivery model that has been developed and fostered by both organizations over the last decade,” said Chief Reid Douglas, Winnipeg Fire and Paramedic Chief. “This latest undertaking is intended to further build on the efficiencies that already exist within our system, to ensure that patients in the community continue to receive the most appropriate pre-hospital medical response and follow-up medical intervention.”

Patients with medical needs that don't necessitate transport to the Emergency Department will receive a complete medical assessment by the community paramedic in the field. Once the medical assessment is complete, the community paramedic will assist in making arrangements to connect the patient with an appropriate community health resource such as the Urgent Care Centre or Community Health Access Centre.

During the pilot phase of the program, the community paramedic will have online medical control access with the Winnipeg Fire Paramedic Service medical directors to ensure patients are receiving the best possible care.

The Main Street Project community paramedic program has demonstrated the effectiveness and benefits of having paramedics function in a primary care capacity. The project has been successful in providing early assessment and response to actual or potential health problems or health promotion needs, planning appropriate interventions with a client-centered focus, and demonstrating a more cost effective way to deliver healthcare.

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