City update on status of negotiations with ATU

Released: May 20, 2015 at 3:18 p.m.
Continuing to work toward negotiated settlement with valued employees

Winnipeg, MB - Although no agreement has been reached to date between the City of Winnipeg and the Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU), the City remains committed to achieving a mutually-agreeable, negotiated settlement.

Currently, the City and ATU are in discussions through a provincially-appointed conciliation officer. The City is taking this opportunity to update citizens on the status of negotiations related to staff who provide quality, timely transit service to over 130,000 Winnipeg riders, each weekday.

In its offer to the Union, the City proposed a four-year agreement that includes improvements to wages and benefits. The City's proposal includes an 8 per cent wage increase for bus operators and an 8.81 per cent wage increase for mechanics, over four years.

The Union has proposed a three-year agreement, with wage increases of 10.34 per cent for operators, and 20.24 per cent for mechanics, over three years.

The City values its relationship with employees and believes its offer is fair and reasonable, particularly when considering market conditions, the city's general economic climate, and other recent wage settlements in the local public sector. The current Consumer Price Index forecast for Winnipeg is 1.0 per cent in 2015, and 2.1 per cent for 2016.

The City's negotiating committee is making every effort to resolve outstanding contract issues with ATU.

�Throughout the collective bargaining process, the City has remained committed to negotiations that would arrive at an agreement,� said Linda Burch, Director of Corporate Support Services. �We are currently working with a conciliator and are scheduled to resume discussions with the Union's executive on Friday, May 22.�

The City appreciates citizens' patience with disruptions to transit service due to the refusal of overtime. Transit riders are advised to expect an increase in late and/or cancelled bus service on any number of routes in the coming weeks and should be prepared for possible delays, or make alternate travel plans.

Handi-Transit customers are not affected as service is provided by private contractors.

Winnipeg Transit employs approximately 1,100 bus operators and 250 maintenance staff.

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