Winnipeg Transit releases revised fall service schedule

Released: September 10, 2015 at 3:17 p.m.

Winnipeg, MB - City officials today provided an update regarding transit service adjustments and announced that a revised fall service schedule will be released at 4:00 a.m. on Friday, September 11. The revised fall service schedule will be in effect until December 2015 and provides Transit users with a consistent schedule to use in planning their transportation needs.

The revised fall schedule accommodates an increase in fleet maintenance demands and Winnipeg Transit has adjusted service on routes with frequent or alternative transit service. No routes have been cancelled. Adjusted service on select routes may mean a reduction in the number of runs. Fewer runs may result in fuller buses and less frequent service. Routes to be affected by adjusted service are selected based on their frequency and the availability of alternative Transit routes and service.

A backlog of general maintenance repairs, as well as an unexpected spike in mechanical issues on Tuesday, September 8, resulted in fewer buses being available for Transit's heavier fall schedule. The spike in mechanical issues is linked to a problem with the emission control systems affecting some buses in the Transit fleet.

�Winnipeggers, and the key services the City delivers every single day, are the number one priority at the City of Winnipeg, so I am pleased that immediate measures are being implemented to resolve inconveniences to our valued Transit users,� said Mayor Brian Bowman.

�I would like to apologize to Winnipeg Transit customers for the short notice on service changes,� said Doug McNeil, Chief Administrative Officer. �I would like to reassure the public that the Public Service will be reviewing the details of this service reduction and how it was communicated, and we will make improvements to prevent this from happening again.�

The new adjusted fall schedule will be released at 4:00 a.m., Friday, September 11. Until the new scheduled is released, Transit customers are asked to continue checking, TeleBUS, or to contact 311 by phone on the day they travel for the latest Transit service information.

Links have been placed on the homepage to help Transit customers locate route schedule updates.

Winnipeg Transit appreciates customers' patience during this service adjustment.

Handi-Transit service is not impacted by this service change.

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