City actively working to address Ombudsman's recommendations regarding Handi-Transit service

Released: January 8, 2019 at 10:49 a.m.

Winnipeg, MB - Today, the Manitoba Ombudsman’s Office released a report outlining recommendations for Handi-Transit service in response to a complaint filed by the Independent Living Resource Centre (ILRC) in February of 2016.

Winnipeg Transit takes the ILRC’s concerns very seriously and is actively working to address the recommendations outlined in the Ombudsman’s report. As a supporting organization of the disabled community, it is a priority for Handi-Transit, now Winnipeg Transit Plus, to provide a service that is accessible to all its clients.

In reviewing the ILRC’s complaint, Winnipeg Transit Plus provided additional information and clarifications on some of its policies to assist the Ombudsman’s Office with their investigation.

Further City comments on the Ombudsman’s recommendations can be found in the attached summary

Winnipeg Transit Plus is a service of Winnipeg’s public transit system that provides door-to-door transportation for people who are unable to regularly use the City’s fixed route transit system because they are legally blind or have a physical disability that significantly impairs their mobility. Winnipeg Transit Plus registrants use a variety of mobility aides including scooters, canes, walkers, and both manual and motorized wheelchairs.

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