Council approves on-demand accessible vehicles for hire pilot

Released: April 30, 2021 at 9:16 a.m.

New service to provide universal access point for customers booking accessible on-demand transportation

Winnipeg, MB – Yesterday, Council approved a new three-year pilot to improve accessible vehicle for hire access for Winnipeggers through a new on-demand service known as Winnipeg Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle, or Winnipeg WAV.

Winnipeg WAV will provide a universal access point for users of on-demand accessible transportation service to request a trip. The service also aims to improve wait-times for passengers by increasing the industry’s accessible vehicle capacity and expanding service hours.

“We continue to hear from stakeholders that wait times for accessible on-demand transportation in Winnipeg are too long,” said Councillor Matt Allard, Chairperson of the Standing Policy Committee on Infrastructure Renewal and Public Works. “Through the Winnipeg WAV pilot, I’m hopeful we’ll be able to improve service for the many people who rely on accessible on-demand transportation, while also removing some of the barriers for industry to provide that service.”

By participating in the pilot, accessible vehicle drivers and owners can earn financial incentives (up to $2,250/year for drivers and up to $2,500/year for owners). These incentives are meant to assist owners with the additional costs associated with purchasing and maintaining accessible vehicles and for drivers in operating an accessible vehicle. Incentives will be based on customer service metrics, including number of trips provided through Winnipeg WAV, customer service rating, trip acceptance rates, expanded hours of service, and passing inspections.

The budget for the pilot is $1.8 million, and is being funded entirely through the existing accessibility surcharge on vehicle for hire trips.

Winnipeg WAV is scheduled to launch in fall 2021. For more information, please visit:

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