City changing PayByPhone location numbers in paid parking areas

Released: June 22, 2021 at 3:26 p.m.

New map feature in app will help customers automatically find their location number

Winnipeg, MB – The City of Winnipeg and PayByPhone are changing the four-digit location numbers for mobile parking payments to new six-digit numbers that are unique to each block face (the specific side of the street between two intersections).

Beginning this week, new signs will be installed to help users quickly identify their location number. A new map feature in the PayByPhone app will also allow customers to find the correct location number automatically using location services on their mobile device.

PayByPhone customers can continue to use their existing accounts and saved credit card information – the only change will be the location number entered upon payment. Cash and credit card payments will also still be accepted at paystations.

Changing to six-digit location numbers on every block face will provide the City with more data on parking demand and inventory. This data will assist with planning, and could enable future customer service enhancements, such as providing real-time parking availability.

For more information, visit:

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