Bylaw amendments to allow residential development on select malls & corridor sites take effect

Released: January 31, 2025 at 12:16 p.m.

Winnipeg, MB – Today, City Council-approved amendments to the Winnipeg Zoning By-law to allow residential development on select malls and corridor sites take effect.

With these zoning changes, developers are now able to apply to build multi-family residential developments in selected areas by right. 

Construction will be allowed to happen in these areas without a public hearing, provided the project follows specific design and development rules. Developers will still need appropriate permits to build.

“I am proud that we continue to reduce red tape and support multi-family housing at mall sites and along main thoroughfares in a shorter period of time,” said Evan Duncan, Chairperson of the Standing Policy Committee on Property & Development.

These changes are in support of the Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF). They will allow residential development on select malls and corridor sites, helping developers build more housing for Winnipeg residents in less time.  

“By opening up parking areas around several malls and along select corridors, we will provide more land for new multi-family residential development to help build the complete communities that Winnipeg policies envision,” said Hazel Borys, Director of Planning, Property & Development.

To support HAF, the City of Winnipeg continues to modernize zoning rules, increase density near major transit and transportation routes, and provide incentives for the construction of more housing options.

For more information on the Malls & Corridors, see:

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