Malls & corridors Planned Development Overlay

Winnipeg needs more housing so everyone has a home they can afford. We can create more housing options at mall sites and along commercial corridors by making changes to the Winnipeg Zoning By-law and Local Area Plans.

A Planned Development Overlay (PDO) will support this work and guide building in certain parts of the city. It will make sure zoning rules around height, setback, and landscaping are followed.

Sites within the Malls & Corridors PDO have three development options: 

  1. Use the PDO:
    Build in an urban, walkable format with a minimum density of 14 dwellings per acre, along select corridors and on mall sites, per the PDO map.     
  2. Existing zoning:
    Follow the existing, underlying zoning and allow auto-oriented formats like strip malls or big-box retail. 
  3. Rezoning:
    Suggest a custom development through the public hearing rezoning process.   

User's guide & checklist

This guide and checklist provide detailed information and instructions to help you understand how the PDO works, how you can opt-in, and how to use it.


October 7-10, 2024 - Public open houses to discuss the proposed changes.

November 19 & 21, 2024 - Combined Public Hearing before Council.
Public hearing minutes - Rapid Zoning By-law amendment

December 12, 2024 - Council approved bylaw amendments.

  • By-law No. 143/2024, By-law No. 130/2024, By-law No. 131/2024
  • Associated files: DAZ 219/2024, SPA 6/2024, SPA 7/2024
  • DAZ 219/2024 includes proposed amendments to the Winnipeg Zoning By-law to allow more residential development across the city on select mall sites and commercial corridors, per Council direction.
  • Associated amendments to the Complete Communities Direction Strategy 2.0 By-law and the Transcona West Area Structure Plan By-law proposed under files SPA 6/2024 and SPA 7/2024, aim to support changes in the Zoning By-law.

January 31, 2025 - The bylaw amendments come into effect.

Upcoming infill housing zoning changes

At the December 12, 2024 City Council meeting, the hearing date for the infill housing zoning changes was delayed from March 2025 to June 2025. We will be scheduling a time later in the spring of 2025 for dialogue. As soon as details for those events are determined, we will share an update.

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