Theft Under– Public Advisory

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The Winnipeg Police Service is investigating three concerning incidents of theft that occurred between March 11, 2022, and March 14, 2022. In each case, the victims were women shopping at locations on Regent Avenue and McPhillips Street. All of the occurrences involve persistent attempts to distract the victims, resulting in property theft.

On March 11, the first victim, a woman in her 70’s, was approached by a male while shopping on Regent Avenue. The victim was intentionally distracted, and her wallet was stolen from her shopping cart. Her bank account was later accessed, but the transaction was denied.

On the same date, the second victim, also a woman in her seventies, was approached by two males in the parking lot of a grocery store on McPhillips Street. The female victim was distracted by being told that her vehicle was on fire. While the victim investigated the non-existent fire, the second male took the opportunity to steal her wallet containing money and a debit card. Her account was later accessed, but the transaction was unsuccessful.

On March 14, a third victim, a woman in her 60’s, was approached on two separate occasions, once inside a grocery store on McPhillips street and subsequently in the parking lot while she was placing groceries in her vehicle. The lone male distracted her and was able to steal a cellular phone.

There were no injuries, however, it is important to note that the thefts are being carried out after persistent attempts to distract the victims.

In each instance, the victims and suspects were not known to each other.

The public is reminded to be aware of their surroundings at all times, especially when being approached by strangers.

Anyone with information about these incidents is asked to call 204-986-6222 or Crime Stoppers at 204-786-TIPS (8477).

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