Thefts – Arrest: R21-60804

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Between August 2021 and March 2022, members of the Winnipeg Police Service Property Crimes Unit began investigating a series of thefts. These incidents were diverse, including residential break-ins, thefts from vehicles, stolen trailers/vehicles, and shoplifting throughout the City, however, investigators suspected they were linked.

The suspect utilized stolen trucks in one series of thefts. Primary targets were tools from contractors’ vehicles, where the total property loss is estimated in the thousands of dollars. Investigators were able to identify a suspect and obtain arrest warrants, however, the suspect fled to Western Canada, committing similar offences in British Columbia and Alberta. Eventually, the suspect stole a 2020 silver Dodge Ram from an Alberta dealership and returned to Winnipeg, where he committed further thefts.

On March 16, 2022, detectives from the WPS Property Crimes Unit, with the assistance of the Tactical Support Team and East District uniform officers, arrested the suspect in the East Kildonan neighbourhood.

Wesley Donald Alex KOWAL, 28, of Calgary, has been charged with 62 property and theft-related offences:

- Theft Under x 35
- Theft Over x 7
- Theft of Motor Vehicle x 4
- Use Credit Card
- Mischief Under x 12
- Break & Enter x 2
- Possess Property Obtained by Crime Over $5,000
- Warrant of Arrest x 4

Kowal was detained in custody.

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