Homicide – Arrests: C22-31722

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On February 11, 2022, the Winnipeg Police Service received a request from Selkirk RCMP to assist with a Missing Persons investigation. Twenty-six-year-old Brandon BRUST and a 22-year-old female were reported missing from Scanterbury and believed to be in Winnipeg. The Bear Clan assisted with the search efforts.

On February 13, BRUST’s vehicle was located in Winnipeg, parked along the 600 block of Selkirk Avenue.

On February 14, at approximately 9:45 a.m, Winnipeg Police General Patrol officers responded to a known drug house in the 400 block of Pritchard Avenue for the report of suspicious circumstances. Responding officers located several people within the residence, including a 22-year-old female who had been seriously assaulted. She was taken to hospital, and the remaining people in the house were detained. One of these detained individuals was identified as the 22-year-old female missing from Scanterbury.

The Major Crimes Unit continued the investigation, and it was determined that Brandon BRUST (who was reported as Missing) attended the Pritchard Avenue residence on February 11. While inside this residence, BRUST was attacked and killed by the male resident. His remains were subsequently removed from the residence and moved to another location. A female present during the incident was seriously assaulted, and another female was threatened and forcibly confined at the scene. A sexual assault was also committed on one of the females.

While the suspects remained in custody, investigators worked to locate the deceased’s remains.

On March 30, RCMP confirmed human remains had been located near Road 79 North in the Rural Municipality of Woodlands — just west of Highway 6. Subsequent forensic analysis determined the remains to be that of Brandon BRUST.

Three adults have been charged regarding this homicide.

Kenneth Andrew EDWARDS, a 29-year-old male, has been charged with:
- Second Degree Murder
- Sexual Assault
- Forcible Confinement
- Possession of Firearm or Ammunition Offences Contrary to Prohibition Order x 5
- Fail to Comply with Court Orders x 8
- Possession of a Scheduled Substance

Billie Erin KOZUB, a 38-year-old female, has been charged with:
- Accessory After the Fact to Murder
- Possession of Firearm or Ammunition Offence Contrary to Prohibition
- Warrants: Aggravated Assault and Fail to Comply with Court Orders x 5

Emily Rae FONTAINE, an 18-year-old female, has been charged with:
- Accessory After the Fact to Murder

All three remain in custody.

Investigators are aware of additional individuals who were likely involved in various aspects of this murder. Anyone with information regarding this incident, individuals, or associated vehicles, is asked to contact Winnipeg Police Major Crimes Investigators at 204-986-6219 or Crime Stoppers at 204-786-TIPS (8477).

Constable Jay Murray, Public Information Officer
Constable Dani McKinnon, Public Information Officer
Constable Claude Chancy, Public Information Officer
Kelly Dehn, Manager of Public Affairs

Office: 204-986-3061
E-mail: WPS-PIO@winnipeg.ca

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