Community Notification

Released: February 24, 2022 at 8 a.m.

Information contained in our media releases may relate to issues of violence or trauma, which could be distressing for some individuals. Be mindful of your well-being and consider whether or not engaging with this content is appropriate for you.

The Manitoba Integrated High Risk Sex Offender Unit (MIHRSOU) is a joint forces unit of the Winnipeg Police Service and the RCMP. MIHRSOU today provides information regarding MARINUS WILLEMSE, 55 years of age, a convicted sex offender who is considered high risk to re‑offend in a sexual/sexually violent manner against adult females, and all children.

WILLEMSE will be released from Stony Mountain Institution, Stony Mountain, Manitoba on February 24, 2022 after serving a total sentence of twenty years and four months (in addition to 2 years pre-trial custody credit) for abduction of person under 14 years of age, use firearm during commission of an offence, forcible confinement (2 counts), assault with weapon, disguise with intent, assault with intent to steal, utter threats and breach of recognizance (2 counts).

WILLEMSE is expected to take up residence in Winnipeg.

Upon release, WILLEMSE will be subject to a lifetime order which prohibits:

  • WILLEMSE from attending public parks, public swimming areas where persons under the age of 16 years are present or can reasonably be expected to be present, or a day care centre, school ground, playground or community centre;
  • Seeking, obtaining or continuing any employment, or being a volunteer, that involves being in a position of trust or authority towards persons under 16 years of age;
  • Having contact with any person under 16 years of age unless done so under the supervision of a person the court deems appropriate; and
  • Using a computer for the purpose of communicating with a person under 16 years of age.

In addition, he will be subject to a lifetime weapons prohibition order and a two-year recognizance order.

WILLEMSE has a history of violent and sexual offences. Although he participated in some treatment programming in the past, WILLEMSE is still considered high risk to re-offend in a sexual and/or sexually violent manner. Female adults and all children are at risk.

Background information:

Marinus WILLEMSE is a 55 year-old male with a lengthy criminal record including convictions for abduction of person under 14 years of age, forcible confinement (2 counts), attempt abduction (2 counts), robbery (2 counts), kidnapping, sexual assault with a weapon (2 counts), use firearm during commission of offence (3 counts), wear disguise with intent, break and enter commit offence, assault peace officer (2 counts), assault with intent to steal, utter threats (2 counts) and breach of recognizance (2 counts).

WILLEMSE’s most recent offences resulting in a global 20-year sentence occurred in November 1999. On November 9, 1999, WELLEMSE tried to lure two girls, aged 6 and 10, playing alone at a playground, by asking for help to find his wallet and offering them money if it was found. He led the girls to a secluded area, behind a garage. He exposed himself and the girls ran away. On that same day, WILLEMSE forced his way into a vehicle belonging to a mother and her 8-year-old daughter leaving the shopping mall. He held a knife to the child’s head, threatening to kill her if the mother did not cooperate. The mother and daughter managed to escape. Three days later, on November 12, WILLEMSE committed other offences while wearing a balaclava, tried to rob a lone female clerk at a video store, tying her up, and threatening to shoot her if she did not cooperate. When a customer entered the store, WILLEMSE fled. He was arrested at the time for the three incidents.

On October 26, 2001 WILLEMSE was convicted of the nine offences respecting the three incidents, and given a global sentence of 20 years (in addition to 2 years pre-trial custody credit). He received an additional four months on April 9, 2021 for threatening his parole office in advance of a parole hearing.

Previously, in April, 1989 WILLEMSE received a global sentence of ten years for robbery, kidnapping, sexual assault with weapon, and use firearm during commission of an offence when he sexually assaulted, and robbed a lone female employee. When a customer entered the store, the clerk was able to escape, but WILLEMSE forced the customer to drive him to a secluded area where he sexually assaulted and robbed her. These offences occurred less than two months after he was released from serving a sentence of 2 years less one day for 2 counts of attempt abduction imposed in November 1986 where for offences when WILLEMSE attempted to lure a group of 6 children walking down the street by offering money to rake leaves. The children ran away.

In October 1984, WILLEMSE was convicted of Break Enter and Use firearm during flight after committing an indictable offence, when he broke into a single family home in the early morning hours, entered the bedroom of a 4-year-old child, covered her mouth and carried her out of the patio door. He was arrested a short distance away with the child, and a loaded pellet pistol. He received a sentence of 18 months incarceration.

WILLEMSE will be released from Stony Mountain Institution, Stony Mountain, Manitoba, on February 24, 2022, after having served the entire sentence.

Upon release, WILLEMSE will be subject to a two-year recognizance order, which includes conditions such as:

  • Not to possess or consume any illegal drugs, alcohol and other intoxicants except prescription drugs as prescribed;
  • Attend, complete and follow the rules of any assessment, treatment or counselling, and reporting conditions as directed by his Probation Officer;
  • Abide by a curfew of 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. daily and be present for curfew checks;
  • Reside at an address approved by his Probation Officer; and
  • Not attend a public park or public swimming area where persons under the age of 16 are present or can reasonably be expected to be present, or a daycare centre, school ground, playground or community centre;

He is also subject to a lifetime prohibition order which prohibits WILLEMSE from:

  • Attending a public park or public swimming area where persons under 16 years of age are present, or a daycare, school ground, playground or community centre;
  • Seeking, obtaining or continuing any employment, or being a volunteer, that involves being in a position of trust or authority towards persons under 16 years of age; and
  • Using a computer for the purpose of communicating with a person under 16 years of age.
  • Having contact with any person under 16 years of age unless done so under

the supervision of a person the court deems appropriate; and

  • Using a computer for the purpose of communicating with a person under 16

years of age.

WILLEMSE is subject to a lifetime weapons prohibition order.

While incarcerated, WILLEMSE participated in some sex offender programming but is still considered high risk to re-offend in a sexual and/or sexually violent manner against against adult females and all children.

WILLEMSE is expected to take up residence in Winnipeg.

This information is provided to enable members of the public to take suitable measures to protect themselves. Any form of vigilante activity or other unreasonable conduct directed at Marinus WILLEMSE will not be tolerated.

If you have information about Mr. WILLEMSE, please call the Manitoba Integrated High Risk Sex Offender Unit at (431) 489-8056. You may also contact the Winnipeg Police Service at (204) 986-6222, your local RCMP Detachment, or Manitoba Crime Stoppers at (204) 786-8477 or toll free at 1-800-222-8477. For media inquiries, please contact the Winnipeg Police Service Public Information Officer at (204) 986-3061.

This information is also displayed on the Manitoba Justice Sex Offender Website:

Constable Jay Murray, Public Information Officer
Constable Dani McKinnon, Public Information Officer
Constable Claude Chancy, Public Information Officer
Kelly Dehn, Manager of Public Affairs

Office: 204-986-3061

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