Launch the City of Winnipeg's careers website and review the current job postings. Positions are updated daily, so keep checking back for the right position for you!
or create an account by selecting 'New User'.
Select a posting, press the 'Apply' button, complete the electronic application, and attach all REQUIRED documentation.
Review your application and make any changes as required prior to submitting your application and completing the process.
We seek diversity in our workplace. Indigenous persons, women, visible minorities, and persons with disabilities are encouraged to self-declare.
If you are having difficulty with the online application system, please refer to the City of Winnipeg's frequently asked questions page.
If you do not have access to a computer/email, please apply in-person, including all documentation listed in the job posting, to: Winnipeg Police Service Headquarters, 245 Smith Street, Winnipeg, MB.
Application assessment
Application, resume, cover letter and all accompanying documentation will be reviewed to determine if the application is complete and you meet the minimum qualifications in relation to the job applying for.
If your application is not complete, you will not be moving forward.
Please remember, only applicants moving forward will be contacted.
The Winnipeg Police Service will conduct an enhanced security clearance on all short-listed applicants.
Pre-employment testing
Testing may be one of the assessment methods in the selection process. This could include job knowledge, skills assessments, and/or physical abilities test.
A recruiter will provide you with the essential information to schedule your applicable test/assessment.
The City of Winnipeg uses the Korn Ferry Leadership Architect Competency Model as part of the recruitment process.
The behavioral-based interviewing model is used.
Behavior based questions are designed to gather evidence about past performance, which provides a predictor of future on-the-job performance. ie: Describe a time when you had to deal with an irate customer.
The recommended method to answer behavior based questions is to use the STAR method. A structured manner of responding by discussing the specific Situation, Task, Action, and Result of the situation you are describing.
A recruiter will provide you with the essential information to schedule and prepare for your interview.
Background interview
The background investigation consists of a one-on-one interview held with a police investigator assigned to the applicant.
The interview is approximately three hours in length and is conducted in a private office setting.
Prior to the interview, the applicant will be provided with specific instructions as to what documentation he/she will be required to submit for their interview. This is not an interview that an applicant can prepare for.
The investigator will delve into various facets of an applicant's personal and professional life. Given the high level of confidentiality and the integrity, trust, and professionalism expected of all our members (police/civilian/volunteer), this interview is comprehensive and relevant.
Upon completion of the interview, the Investigator will commence their investigation into an applicant’s suitability for employment with the Winnipeg Police Service.
Psychological evaluation and medical examination
Some positions require candidates to undergo a thorough medical examination (including illegal drug testing) and/or psychological evaluation.
Appointments are scheduled by the Recruiting Unit.
Final selection
There are many factors that are taken into consideration when selecting the most suitable candidate(s).
Successful candidates are offered employment; unsuccessful candidates will be advised in writing of their eligibility to re-apply.