Animal Incident – Public Awareness: C23-152950

Released: June 25, 2023 at 9:48 a.m.

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On June 24, 2023, at approximately 6:50 p.m., members of the Winnipeg Police Service responded to the area of Sunny Morning Road regarding an animal call for service.

Initial information indicated that a child had been bitten by a coyote and required medical assistance.

The investigation revealed that a 15-year-old girl and her 9-year-old brother were walking in the Popko Crescent and Knowles Avenue area when they noticed a coyote. The coyote began running towards them as they fled. The 9-year boy was mauled, at which time an area resident chased the coyote away. As a result, the boy sustained multiple injuries and was transported to hospital in stable condition.

The Winnipeg Police Service continues to work with Conservation Officer Service regarding the incident.

A friendly reminder, if a coyote approaches you, become large and loud to deter it, a practice known as hazing. Examples of hazing include raising a jacket or another piece of clothing above your head to appear larger and shouting. A safety whistle is another option for creating noise.

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