Firearms – Arrest: C23-15126

Released: January 20, 2023 at 11:36 a.m.

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On January 19, 2023, at approximately 6:30 p.m., Central District Community Support Unit officers arrested a male possessing a sawed-off shotgun and ammunition in the 300 block of Blake Street.

Officers patrolled the area in response to the area resident's concern about gang-related crime. They observed a male walking down a back lane, carrying a duffle bag with a gun barrel sticking out. As the officers approached, he fled on foot. After a short foot pursuit, police safely took him into custody and seized a firearm.

Roy Roland George BRASS (41) of Winnipeg was charged with the following offences: 

- Possession of a Firearm Knowing its Possession is Unauthorized

- Possession of a Prohibited or Restricted Firearm with Ammunition

- Possession of Firearm, Restricted/Prohibited Weapon or Ammunition Contrary to Prohibition Order

- Carrying Concealed Weapon Prohibited Device or Ammunition

He was detained in custody.

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