Landfill at Brady Road Resource Management Facility

Only commercial customers can use the landfill. Residents will be directed to drop off their waste at the Brady 4R Winnipeg Depot.

The Brady Road Resource Management Facility, including the landfill and 4R Winnipeg Depot, are open during regular operating hours. Please drive carefully, and be mindful and respectful of individuals who may be located along the roadway.

Hours of operation: (winter)

Monday to Friday
5:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Saturday & Sunday
9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

We close on:

January 1 (New Year's Day)

November 11 (Remembrance Day)

December 25 (Christmas Day)


1777 Brady Road

South of the Perimeter Highway

Commercial customers can access the landfill through the main gate

*Landfill hours are seasonal. Season start and end dates are subject to change, depending on the weather.

Commercial tipping fees

Clean fill is being accepted from commercial customers today.

All loads are subject to commercial disposal fees. There is a minimum $20 fee per load. Payment options include cash, debit, credit card, or WEXX accounts.

Small commercial customers may pay an annual fee of $1,360 to use 4R Winnipeg Depots.

Fees below are effective January 1, 2025.

Solid waste

  • $97 per tonne

Special waste

  • $201 per tonne
  • Includes asbestos, SRM, and biomedical waste. Special waste contains all materials that require special disposal handling. Arrangements for disposal of these materials can be made in advance by contacting 311.

Leaf and yard waste*

  • $64 per tonne
  • Includes yard waste and branches that are four inches or less in diameter. If your yard waste is in plastic bags, you must take the plastic bags with you

Wood waste

  • $63 per tonne
  • Includes branches that are more than four inches in diameter

Shredded paper

  • $56 per tonne

Clean concrete*

  • $11 per tonne

Clean fill*

  • $8.80 per tonne

Dead animal disposal*

  • $110 per tonne
  • Includes animal carcasses, animal parts, and waste animal by-products

Clean up fee

  • $220 per hour
  • $55 minimum

Scrape out fee

  • $56 each

*Loads must include the same type of material. If your load of yard waste or clean fill (soil, sod, sand, concrete without metal), contains other materials, tipping fees will apply to the entire load.

Cover your load

When you are loading your vehicle with garbage, make sure that it is covered and secure. If your garbage is not covered and secure, you can be charged a fine at the landfill gate under the Solid Waste By-law.

Environmental Stewardship at the Facility

Decomposing organic waste in landfills produces landfill gas. Landfill gas is mostly methane, which is a greenhouse gas that contributes to climate change. It is 21 times more harmful than carbon dioxide’s impact on global warming.

We collect as much of the landfill gas as possible and burn it to create carbon dioxide gas instead. This process reduces the amount of harmful gas released by the landfill by an amount equal to 21,700 cars.

The gas collection system was built in 2012 and cost $7 million, including a $2.5 million contribution from the Province of Manitoba. It was expanded twice, in 2018 and 2020, for a total cost of $4.1 million. The Government of Canada contributed $3.1 million to the expansion projects.

We keep landfill odours contained with berms, daily garbage cell coverage, and biofilters like wood chips. We also plant trees and shrubs along Brady Road and the Perimeter to manage litter and reduce noise.

Annual reports

Our Environment Act Licence requires us to write annual reports for the Province. The reports summarize the previous year’s activities on the site. These include money spent, construction, waste diversion, and site management.

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