Crews out patching potholes

Fill out our online form to let us know about potholes that need to be fixed

Pothole being filled
Our pothole filling crews are out prioritizing repairs on main and bus routes as well as collector streets.

The recent warm weather is a welcome change but it has also led to potholes appearing on our streets. Our pothole filling crews are out prioritizing repairs on main and bus routes as well as collector streets.

The weather this time of year makes the work tricky. That’s because we can’t use hot asphalt to make long lasting repairs. Instead, our crews are making temporary patches using cold mix, an asphalt mix specifically designed for use in cold, wet weather.

Since this is only a temporary fix, crews may have to return several times to repair the same pothole because of wet road conditions. We typically can switch to hot asphalt by mid-May, weather permitting.

It’s difficult to predict how many potholes we see on our streets during the winter. It all depends on the extent of the freeze/thaw cycles, or temperature swings, we experience as well as how wet the roads get from melting snow.

Just like any other time of the year, people who use the roads should slow down, adjust to the conditions, and be mindful there might be potholes on the streets.

We want to know if you spot a pothole. You can fill out our convenient online form so it can be addressed. Locations with very large or deep potholes that pose an imminent safety concern are prioritized for immediate attention. You can also contact 311.


Originally posted on February 13, 2023

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