Supporting Winnipeggers
Learn more about City programs and services to support people living on low income at
The Recreation Fee Assistance Program:
- reduces financial barriers to participation
- helps ensure equitable access to recreation programs and services
Program benefits
There are three types of benefits available:
Facility pass
Unlimited admission to the City of Winnipeg's recreation facilities, including:
Effective October 1, 2023, annual facility access will be provided via a rechargeable 10-visit pass.
Drop-in active living pass
10-visit pass for drop-in active living programs (including Zumba and Aquafit)
Leisure Guide activity credit
$300 credit per person to use for registered Leisure Guide activities (including skating & swimming lessons)
Important information if you are applying for fee assistance for the Leisure Guide activity credit:
- Apply prior to the Leisure Guide registration dates
- If approved, you are responsible for completing your own registrations
- A Leisure Guide activity credit will be added to the account of each individual identified on the application
- The Leisure Guide activity credit is an annual credit to be applied towards all Leisure Guide sessions. It is valid for a period of 12 months from approval
- The Leisure Guide activity credit cannot be used to purchase:
- admissions
- visits/memberships
- facility rentals
- gift cards
- POS items
- The Leisure Guide activity credit is not transferrable and has no cash value
Program eligibility
To be eligible for the program, individuals or economic families must be a City of Winnipeg resident(s) and one of the following must apply:
- You are a new permanent resident or refugee who has:
- been in Canada for less than 18 months, and
- not filed a tax return
- You have an economic family income below the low income cut-off (LICO) (amounts listed below)
Economic family size | Total income |
1 | $29,380 |
2 | $36,576 |
3 | $44,966 |
4 | $54,594 |
5 | $61,920 |
6 | $69,835 |
7 | $77,751 |
More than 7 | for each additional person, add $7,916 |
Note: Other considerations may be made for special circumstances.
(Sources: Statistics Canada and Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada)
"Economic family" refers to a group of two or more persons who:
- live in the same dwelling, and
- are related to each other by blood, marriage, common-law union, adoption or a foster relationship
Application requirements
1. Verification of economic need
Provide one of the following supporting documents with your application (if it has not already been supplied in the past 12 months):
- Documentation showing your landing date in Canada and UCI number
- Social assistance (EIA) budget letter
- Most recent Canada Revenue Agency Notice of Assessment (identifying annual net income of all economic family members)
- Monthly statement of income from CPP Disability (including the income verification of all economic family members)
If you are unable to provide the above documents, a third party agency you have a relationship with may be able to provide a referral for you. Please reach out to your social or support worker to see if they can provide you with a referral.
2. Application form
You must include everyone in your economic family on one application. Don't forget to check off which benefits you would like to receive; you can select one, two, or all three.
Please provide a daytime phone number if possible; we will call you if we have any questions.
How to apply
Submit your completed application form and supporting documentation.
Apply by email
Please note: the City cannot guarantee the security of your personal information if you choose to submit by email.
Apply by mail
Fee Assistance Program
6th Floor, 395 Main St.
Winnipeg, MB R3B 3N8
Apply in-person
Next steps
Applications may take up to 10 business days to process.
If you emailed, you will receive an automatic response letting you know that your application has been received.
After your application has been fully processed, you will be sent a letter indicating the outcome of your application.
If your application is approved, you will need to finish setting up your leisureONLINE account.
Third party referrals and partner agencies
We partner with organizations and agencies who serve newcomers, refugees, and individuals and families living on low income to remove barriers to accessing the Recreation Fee Assistance Program. These partner agencies refer clients and community members to the program, and submit applications on their behalf. Our partners include organizations in the settlement sector, neighbourhood renewal corporations, social workers, family resource centres, and government social assistance.
If you work for an organization who serves individuals and families who are eligible for the Recreation Fee Assistance Program and are interested in becoming a third party partner agency, please contact for more information.
If you are an individual who would like a referral, reach out to your social worker or support worker to see if they can provide you with a referral.
Contact us
For more information on the Recreation Fee Assistance Program, please call 311 or email
Other subsidized services
If you are approved for participation in the Recreation Fee Assistance Program, you may be eligible for other subsidized City of Winnipeg Services, such as: