Fatal Hit & Run – Arrest: C21-182709

Released: February 25, 2022 at 8 a.m.

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The Winnipeg Police Service previously issued a media release seeking the public’s assistance for a fatal hit and run that occurred on the morning of August 6, 2021. A female pedestrian in her 80’s was taken to hospital in critical condition after being struck by a 5-ton truck while crossing the intersection at Smith Street and Broadway Avenue. On August 8, the victim succumbed to her injuries.

During the following months, the Traffic Division continued investigating and establishing the identity of the suspect driver.

On February 24, 2022, a 39-year-old male of Winnipeg was arrested and is facing the charge of Drive Carelessly Cause Death.

He is not named as he was released on an Appearance Notice (as mandated by the Criminal Code).

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