Carjacking (Food Delivery) – Arrest: C22-49087

Released: March 10, 2022 at 8 a.m.

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On March 9, 2022, at approximately 9:15 a.m., General Patrol officers from the North District responded to a carjacking involving a food delivery driver.

The victim (the food delivery driver) had his running vehicle stolen after making a delivery at a residence in the 400 block of Selkirk Avenue. Upon returning to his vehicle, an unknown female was in the driver's seat, and the victim jumped in to prevent it from being stolen. The suspect suddenly drove away with the victim seated in the rear, subsequently crashing into two parked vehicles.

She then fled from the vehicle, with the victim catching up and taking hold of her until police arrived. The victim was assaulted while waiting for police. He was treated for minor injuries.

Shauna Lee Amber Lynn Joyce OWEN, 32, of Winnipeg, was charged with Robbery, Theft Over $5,000 and an outstanding warrant for vehicle-related offences.

She was detained in custody.

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