Snowmobile Pursuit – Arrest: C22-52051

Released: March 16, 2022 at 8 a.m.

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On March 13, 2022, at approximately 12:00 p.m., the Winnipeg Police Service responded to a report of a male operating a snowmobile which was later determined to be stolen. The snowmobile was being operated illegally in the residential district of St. Norbert, contrary to regulations of the Highway Traffic Act.

East and West District General Patrol units and the Traffic Division travelling on snowmobiles arrived to search the area. A 40-year old male was quickly identified and determined to be the subject of a warrant stemming from firearms-related charges.

In the interest of public safety, a member of the K9 unit and AIR1 joined the search in an attempt to locate the male.

Over the next 4 hours, the suspect continued to evade the police, still operating the stolen snowmobile travelling an extensive area of the city’s southeast.

At approximately 3:45 p.m., with the assistance of Traffic Division officers, Curtis McGIRR of Winnipeg was located and apprehended without incident by General Patrol officers.

Curtis McGIRR, 40, of Winnipeg, is charged with:

  • Possess Property Obtained by Crime Over $5000 x 3
  • Fail to Comply with Conditions of Release Order
  • Flight while being pursued by Peace Officer
  • Warrant

As a result of this investigation, three snowmobiles were recovered.

McGIRR was detained in custody.

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