Sexual Assault – Investigation: C22-58886

Released: March 23, 2022 at 8 a.m.

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The Winnipeg Police Service Child Abuse Unit is investigating an assault that occurred on March 21, 2022. At approximately 3:30 p.m., the victim, a 12-year-old girl, was at a transit shelter at the corner of Portage Avenue and Main Street, where an adult male struck up a conversation. The male convinced the girl to walk with him. The suspect took the girl to a building stairwell off Lombard Avenue and Rorie Street, where she was seriously sexually assaulted. The victim left the area and reported the incident to police.

The suspect is described as Indigenous in appearance, with shaggy hair and dirty, unkempt clothing, with a scar above his eyebrow. He wore a black jacket and carried a backpack.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Child Abuse investigators at 204-986-3296 or Crime Stoppers at 204-786-TIPS (8477).

Constable Jay Murray, Public Information Officer
Constable Dani McKinnon, Public Information Officer
Constable Claude Chancy, Public Information Officer
Kelly Dehn, Manager of Public Affairs

Office: 204-986-3061

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