Sexual Assault / Child Sexual Abuse Imagery – Arrest: R21-26686

Released: April 22, 2022 at 8 a.m.

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In September 2021, the Winnipeg Police Service’s Child Abuse Unit began an investigation regarding the sexual assault of a child that occurred between July and August 2021. The child was assaulted by a known adult while staying at his residence in the 400 block of Aberdeen Avenue. This residence also operated as a home daycare.

In October 2021, Robert Dale PRINCE, 36, was charged with sexual assault and sexual interference.

In January 2022, the Internet Child Exploitation (ICE) Unit was alerted to child sexual abuse imagery (child pornography) uploaded to social media in April 2021.

They began an investigation and identified PRINCE as a suspect regarding the online sexual abuse images.

With the assistance of the Technological Crimes Section, a seizure and forensic analysis of PRINCE’s electronic device revealed over 150 photos and videos of child sexual abuse imagery. Investigators determined that two children (captured in these images) had previously attended PRINCE’s residence in the 400 block of Aberdeen. One of the children was from the previously mentioned Child Abuse investigation.

As a result of the ICE investigation, on April 11, 2022, PRINCE was charged with the additional offences of:

- Sexual Assault
- Sexual Interference
- Makes, Prints, Publishes or Possesses for Publication any Child Pornography x 2
- Imports, Distributes, Sells or Possesses for Distribution or Sale any Child Pornography
- Possession of Child Pornography x 2
- Access any Child Pornography

He was detained in custody.

The ICE Unit continues with this investigation. Anyone with information wishing to speak to investigators can call investigators at 204-986-6172 or the Child Abuse Unit at 204-986-3296.

The Winnipeg Police Service is committed to protecting youth and those at risk of sexual exploitation. The public is encouraged to report any child sexual abuse imagery (child pornography). Call the non-emergency line 204-986-6222, Crime Stoppers 204-786-TIPS (8477), or make a report online at:

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